The crisis


Businessplan for an enterprise







as chance


In the crisis old power structures are breaking. The sentiment against the oil-industry is strong. The high petrol prices at the filling station are causing the citizens pain.

In this situation a chance for energy is opening, which is much cheaper and on top of all also clean. cCE, cheap Clean Energy, has future. The smaller the scale of the machine, the bigger the chance to break through.


We have sight on 5 methodes to produce cCE-Energy for less than 1 cent /kWh, 5 irons in the fire.  See attachment  W20.


In the first place we want to work on cCE-machines, which are small and cheap to build. Low thresholds :


1.. on the machine of Stanley Meyer. A lot is known over it: photo’s, patent papers.  running systems, build by private people, build by themselves for own use.

2..   on the machine of Nikoka Tesla.  It has been running. It disappeared then. Over the reconstruction is already thought a lot.

3..  on the cold-fusion-machine. The  (secret)   location of a working unit is known.


The machine of Andreas Baumann is also small, and it would be ideal, but  (untill now) few is known over the structure of the vanished layer packet. More details must becomes known. Otherwise the reconstruction will cost us more time than we  have.


Of the cloudwindmachine ‘Albatross’ with int. DSM-innovation-award the whole technology is available. But the machine is really big. To build one big machine costs a lot of money. A system, so big, needing a fixed worklocation, is difficult to put through against a power system, unwilling to introduce cCE. Therefore the ’Albatross’-machine is a reserve possibility only. Our 5. iron in the fire!  Small mobile energy sources, which can be developed (reconstructed) in a “garage”, where small seriesproduction can start in small buildings, are better.


At the machines 1 untill 3 we intend to work parallelly with 3 separate teams of experts. Parallelly we want to look for more information over machine 4 (only search without investing other work: small costs).


We intend to budget the first 3 workgroups with each 100.000 , groep 4 with 40.000 . After a piece of work and new insights we intend to concentrate money and manpower on the machine with then the greatest success chances.

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A protection strategy and 4 protection teams belong to the 4 workgroups. For according to made experiences (see A24) and according to threads, pronounced against GN, the oil-industry will try to prevent the reconstruction of the systems(which it has suppressed earlier by covered violence), another time by coverd violence. For sick people, suffering from an inherited disease, having no conscience, it is easy to eradicate technology of inventors, being not aware of any thread.


We intend to budget the first 3 protection teams with 50.000 each and the 4th with 10.000 . Protection is crucial. Since Tesla’s energy invention about the year 1930 cCE is possible and has been prevented by nothing but tricks and violence. On different levels old foxes will join the work. See W33.

Part of the protection strategy is, that we shall make known one of 3 cooperating experts and shall cloud the identity of the 2 others so far as possible. So possible attackers know in advance, that they cannot find all their targets. Perhaps they stop with their attacks totally, having lost courage, knowing, that they have to overcome this time wel informed and wel organised experts. That’s new!

Some people may think that we are fearful. We are not! We solely are cautious.

Time for a try to break through with cCE is now  more favourable than normal. For Big Oil is pretty fine in the defence corner. Because of Nigeria. And because of an unsuccessful attack on GN. See A26. Big Oil is totally silent, inspite of all accusations on our website and on our large posters, with which we appeared in front of the Tweede Kamer, the NL-parliament, again and again, 52 days in 52 weaks until now. In the meantime all members of parliament, all ministers, including Minister President Mark Rutte, know us. Especially they know GN. They know our “Allen-blij-campagne”, see W4, (“All happy Campaign”) and our deepblack jokes over Big Oil. See Jokes! We express in the public, what we know over Big Oil. And  Big Oil stays silent.That’s a confession of guilt! Big Oil is afraid, that a big recherche-team of the police will investigate systematically in all cases of inventors, who died suddenly inmidst of their work. Big Oil is afraid. Big Oil is in the defense corner. The probability of anti-work is now smaller than normal. Time for action! Time to try to break through!


Gunther Niessen, DSM-Price-winner, inventor of system 5, inventor of the cloudwindmachine ‘Albatross’ with development-stage 1 (now development-stage 7 is realized) has the lead of the operation. 2 (secret) experts can take over the lead at any time. GN’s protection is that Big Oil-preparations of an attack on him leaked out in spring 2011. Big Oil cannot permit itself an attack repetition. For GN has chosen for the defense strategy to make Big Oil’s dark plan widely known. Too many people know about it.


As soon as 1 of the 3 small systems is fully developed, producing energy for less than 1 Cent /kWh ,  step 2 follows: Serieproduction of the machine and sale and pay back of the investment. And making profit.

The profit-potential is high. In case of success all cooperators are richly loaned. Besides we set up a money pot, destinated for all those together, who took part in the work. It becomes a pot, which will be filled up again and again. Who has a money wish, may say it. then we shall look what we can do about it.


Entrepreneur is Gunther Niessen. He has a lot of contacts with top-experts in the (technical) universities Delft, Eindhoven, Twente, Düsseldorf and Aachen.


Also, the juridical person NOM, Normality Movement, can act as entrepreneur, in case that this makes sense. Coming up with Normality and Moral & Honesty against a party, which is using disguised physical violence, offers psychologically advantages.

The power systeem, suppressor of normality, especially suppressor of normality in the energy sector, is weakened, also with littel grip on internet and the social media. It is worn out. It is as weak and blown up as a balloon. When we prick into it forcefully, it will implode.


A myth is in the world: In 2012 the old world will break open and big positive changes will come : a world of normality and pleasure. Wie are working to make true this myth, so far as energy is concerned, and so far as honesty is concerned (putting through the Memory-Content-Detection-Test, the MCD-Test, a serious question-answer-game at the dragon computer. See

Cooperation of other strong parties, factor surprise, can cause a rapid.


Gunther Niessen


IQ-Party chairman

Winner int. DSM-Innovation contest


Tekstvak: Behind each 
button a story